Main Entry: quan·da·ry
Pronunciation: 'kwän-d(&-)rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: origin unknown : a state of perplexity or doubt
Today I was offered a job at an Architecture firm. I will take the job, because it is quasi-required for me to take the job. I will make good money, relatively...$15/hr. Here is the problem. I want to return to ODS in the spring, and if I have the money I want to return to the PCT over summer. Now then, I am left with the dilemma of taking a job that I want only to turn around in four months and say that I am leaving. Why? Well I would want to leave to return to ODS. I have found a home at ODS and I like it enough to return another time...maybe two times or even three times. In time I will have to inform my boss that I am leaving to go do what I am passionate about. Why am I not as passionate about Architecture, then this would not be a problem? Any tips on how to work a serious job for four months and then leave to go back to what I consider "reality?"
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