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There are several good posts and replies, I wanted to share the first three that jumped out at me. Dig through the post to find your gold.
/u/moderated says:
I don't study, but I actually do the work.
So my tip is actually do the work.
Because most people don't actually do the work.
/u/salticido says:
A ton of people have no fucking clue how memory works but they study for hours and hours and end up surprised when they get bad grades. It's not really their fault. They just don't know how to study properly because no one told them. So I will tell you.
Memory works (to put it simply) in 3 stages: attention, encoding (storing/associating with other info), and retrieval (remembering)
To optimize the final stage, you have to optimize the first two stages. This means you have to pay attention to the material, and you have to encode it well. (Which I'll explain below.) Additionally, if you repeat the process, you reinforce it. By retrieving something, you start to pay attention to it again, and then you are able to re-encode it better than before.
To optimize encoding, remember GOAT ME.
G is generate and test. This refers to the fact that you should quiz yourself, or otherwise come up with the answers on your own without just reading them. Even if get it wrong, you're helping yourself out a lot more than if you just read the answer off the bat, because you're giving yourself the same conditions as if you were taking the test. Test yourself in a way that will resemble what you'll actually have to do during the real test. (e.g., if you have to write essays on the test, instead of just writing and memorizing bullet points, actually write an essay multiple times without cheating, review it, and repeat until you can write it without forgetting any important points.) Also effective are teaching the material to someone else and talking about it out loud to yourself. These are basically other ways of testing yourself.
O is organize. This reduces the load on your brain and helps create reminders just by coloring, position, or associations with nearby material. For instance, a time line helps remember that event A came before event B in history, not necessarily because you memorized the dates but because you organized the info so that event A was written earlier and you happen to remember that it was written earlier. The position of the information becomes meaningful. You can organize with outlines, pictures, color coding, related material, etc. My use of "GOAT ME" can be thought of as organization. Another fun example is as follows. Try to memorize "CIAFBIKGBCNNUSABBCUK". Now instead try to memorize "CIA FBI KGB CNN USA BBC UK". Which one seems easier?
A is for avoid illusions of learning. There are two kinds of memory: familiarity/recognition and recall. Recall is what you want. That's where you can remember the information on your own, as you might be expected to do on a test. Recognition is where you can't think of it on your own but if you see it you suddenly remember it. That's not good. You won't necessarily see it on your test, so you won't get a blatant reminder of it. Avoid study methods that rely on recognition. For instance, there are two problems with rereading material: "fluency" and "familiarity." The more you read it, the easier reading it becomes (fluency), and when it feels easier to read, you assume you have learned it. You have not. You've just become more skilled at reading it. Additionally, you will recognize the material (familiarity) but this does not mean you know it on your own. Thus, notes and flashcards are useless unless you're using them to test yourself. Rereading them doesn't help you. Don't bother highlighting your textbook in the first go either. You feel like you're picking out the important parts of the chapter but you can't know what's really important until you've read the whole thing. And then all you're gonna do anyway is go back and reread all the highlights, and as we've established, rereading is useless. If instead you actually organize the highlights and quiz yourself on them, highlighting may be useful. For a similar reason, rewriting information is also not very helpful.
T is take breaks. This is fucking HUGE. If nothing else, walk away from this post with just this tip. A lot of people get this wrong. Your memory can't handle a lot at once. It works best if you study in frequent, short sessions rather than one long cram session. You don't give your brain a chance to store the earlier info you studied, so it just slips out of your mind, and you'll have wasted your time studying it. So study for 20 minutes, go do something else for a bit, and come back to it, and repeat. One of my students said she taped information in front of her toilet so whenever she went to pee or something she could study for just a couple minutes. It sounds strange but it's actually a great idea (I'd advise, in line with G and A that you tape questions in front of the toilet and tape answers elsewhere so you can quiz yourself.) Another important part of this is that you need to sleep to keep that info in your head. Even if you take regular breaks, an all nighter will do more harm than good. Your memories are stored more permanently after sleep, so make sure you get some. This is just how the brain works. You can even try to work naps into your study sessions. That way you're getting both a break and some sleep, both of which will help your memory. Don't overload your brain with all that info at once. Study every day briefly instead of just the night before.
M is match learning and testing conditions. This is based off the principle of encoding specificity, which states that, if you want to optimize memory, then the conditions surrounding encoding (e.g., where you are when you study, how tired you are when you study, etc.) should be the same as those surrounding retrieval (e.g., where you are when you're tested, how tired you are when you're tested, etc.). This is because the conditions themselves serve as reminders. (Have you ever walked into the kitchen for something, forgotten why you were there, and as soon as you return to the other room you suddenly remember why you went to the kitchen?) “Matching learning and testing conditions" includes your environment and your physiology, serving as reminders. If you happened to be looking at your poster in your bedroom while thinking about a biology term, looking at your poster again can help remind you of that term. Unfortunately you're probably not taking your test in your bedroom. If you can, go to your classroom to study. If you can't, recreate the most similar conditions you can. Think about noise level, size of room, lighting, types of furniture, your sitting position, and even the way you work with the material (remember G and A). Studies show that people who study underwater remember the material better underwater compared to above water. If you learn something while drunk, you remember it better if you get drunk again. If you learn something while your heart rate is up, you remember it best when your heart rate goes up again. Keep this in mind and think about other conditions that might occur during testing. Do you always get a coffee just before class? Is your exercise session right before class? Then do those things before studying too, so that you'll have the same conditions. (Both the coffee and the exercise would affect your physiology.) The alternative to this is that you should study under MANY different conditions. This way, the information comes easily to you regardless of your surrounding conditions, whereas if you only study under specific circumstances, the information will unfortunately be associated with those circumstances and will be difficult to remember in any other situation.
E is elaborate. Think deeply about the material and make other associations with it. Does it remind you of something else? Can you make a song out of it? Can you visually imagine it? How does it apply to you or your life? Instead of taking the material at face value, do something with it. The reason this is important is because of reminders. Memory works by having a network of associations. One thing reminds you of another. If you've thought deeply about it, you've probably associated it with something else in memory, which can then serve as a reminder. You can think, "Oh yeah, this is the term that inspired me to draw that silly stick figure to represent it. And I remember what the drawing looked like so now I remember what the term means." Additionally, the quality of the memory will be better if you have elaborated on it. Elaboration allows for a lot of creativity and individuality among studiers. Choose whichever method of elaboration works for you. Maybe you enjoy making up songs, drawing doodles, creating stories, visually imagining it, relating it to yourself, or just pondering about it. If you're studying history, you might try to think about it visually, imagine what people would have said or looked like, watch them in your head doing their historical stuff, or maybe you'd like to draw a quick doodly comic about a particular event, or maybe you wanna think about why this even was significant, or how it relates to another historical event.
If I had to summarize this in fewer points:
But one other good point I would add is this:
- Keep similar conditions during studying and testing. This includes environmental surroundings, mental and physiological state, the way you think about the material, and so on.
- Study briefly and frequently, and sleep.
- Take notes BEFORE class if possible, and add to them whenever necessary. This way, you're not just frantically writing notes in class and you'll actually be able to more fully pay attention to what the teacher is saying (remember: attention is the first step of the memory process!). You may think you can pay attention to the professor as you're writing, but you are actually dividing your attention and hurting your memory.
/u/splooshh says:
Something that may help you is the 3 Seconds Rule:
- DO IT. Do it now, not later, not tomorrow. Oh, there is a new episode of your favourite show that you HAVE to watch although there is work to be done? Guess what, I don't care. If there is stuff to be done, then do it. If you don't do it, someone else will and these people will be a lot more successful than you in the long run. The things you do now that other people don't do will enable you to do things that other people won't be able to do later in life. Get that Nike mantra: JUST DO IT!
- Pay attention in class and write stuff down. There are only a few people out there who can remember everything that is important without writing it down and I highly doubt that you are one of them. Once you are at home, you eat and do what? Go to the computer and browse reddit all day or play games? Nope, you review the things you have written down and try to explain them to yourself. You aren't able to do that? Next lesson go to your teacher and ask him if he could explain it again. Not next week or one day before you have an exam, you ask him when the next lesson starts. PARTICIPATE IN CLASS!
- Do your homework and understand what you are doing. So many people do things and have no clue why they do it or what they can do with the things they've just learned. Try to understand things and explain them to people. If you can explain something to someone, you understand it.
- FOCUS! Many people really want to study but procrastinate all the time. If you can't focus in your room, go into a library or somewhere else where you are not distracted.
- Nutrition and workout - A healthy lifestyle helps you to concentrate, makes you feel better and is good for your body.
- Take breaks, enjoy your life (socialise) and relax. Try to find a hobby where you can learn something that will help you in the long run. Read.
Another thing is to learn how to study - The GOAT ME method seems like a good starting point.
TL;DR: Get the right mindset, work hard, do it for yourself and it will pay off. Work beats talent in the long run.
Good Luck
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