
Monday, December 17, 2007

HOW TO: How To Make Eggnog

Preparation Step One: Examine your liquor cabinet, making sure that you have brandy and rum. Enough for the recipe and enough to tug on while waiting for the Eggnog to be done.

You will need 1.5 cups of brandy and 0.5 cups of rum (though more is preferred)

Preparation Step Two: Acquire all other necessary ingredients

You will need 6 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1.5 quarts of whole, 3 cups of cream (whipped)

Preparation Step Three: To get in the mood, I suggest you turn on some holiday music, such as Nat King Cole

or Gwar

Step One: Separate egg yolks from egg whites. ("Separate But Equal" is allowed in the kitchen)

This is tricky to explain, but if you have seen it done, it's actually pretty easy to do.

Step Two: Beat the egg yolks

Slowly adding in the sugar

Step Three: Take a pirate worthy pull of the rum before pouring the grog (rum and brandy) into the mix

Pour liberally…as the key to getting happy from nog rests solely in this pour.

Step Four: Chill this concoction for one hour in the fridge. I suggest you do this when you have room in the fridge, and no currently running science experiments inside the fridge.

Stir occasionally

This is a good time to take a break. If the hard work in the kitchen has been fatiguing for you novices out there, I recommend a potassium enriched banana to lift your energy.

Step Five: Now is a good time to also prepare the egg whites and cream. Beat the whites stiff (I'll avoid any crude comments that so easily could be placed here)

Step Six: Whip the cream to standing peaks (Picture the alps on a smaller scale)

Be sure to have loads of fun with this, or else the eggnog will turn out drab and unworthy of praise. Praise is important when it comes to preparing food. If you don't get it, you probably are less prone to ever slave away in the kitchen again.

In the end it should look like this.

Now you have another 45 minutes to kill while your first mix chills in the fridge.

I suggest you do something crafty… not the conspiracy type crafty, but the JoAnnes Fabrics crafty…That stuff your mom always did when you were a kid.

Use caution when cutting with the scissors. We don't want to have to file a worker's comp claim.

I suggest that Eggnog be stored in jars or some sort, and given out as a gift. I chose to use these fabulous little glass flasks that I found down at Kitchen Kaboodle. Aren't they just so precious?

Alright back to work!

Step Seven: Slowly stir in the milk to the chilled concoction of rum, brandy, sugar, and egg yolks.

Step Eight: Fold in the whipped cream

Step Nine: Fold in the egg whites

Step Ten: Store in Jars. I used the pretty flasks I mentioned earlier. At first I was terribly upset because I did not know how to find a way to get the big bowl of Eggnog into the wee glass container.

Fortunately I had a funnel. All was solved. YAY!!!

Eggnog is best enjoyed cold, with a dash of nutmeg sprinkled over it just prior to serving.

I decided to enjoy my home made eggnog while my roommate did the dishes.

(hey ladies, he's single)

You should also dress in your Christmas best while enjoying the Eggnog….Whether it be a homemade scarf, or a cheesy sweater that actually plays music, it is imperative that when drinking Eggnog you are in the Christmas spirit…. I mean he fu@ing died for you man. You and your Eggnog.

Now take your little gift packaged Eggnog to those that you love. And make them pose all funny like for the NogBlog

(got nog)

(its coming to you tomorrow Ula….even though you don't like nog. Maybe you can share it with your house mates.)

That's the NogBlog

To recap:
6 eggs – separate and beat
1 cup sugar
1.5 cups brandy
0.5 cups rum (dark or light)
1.5 quarts whole milk
3 cups of cream (whipped)

Beat egg yolks – add sugar beating constantly – Add brandy and rum – Beat
Chill 1 hr stirring occasionally
Add milk slowly – Fold in whipped cream – Fold in egg whites
Store in Jars.
Sprinkle with nutmeg before serving.

Rachel Ray, put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.
Iron Chef here we come!!!

Writers Note: I highly suggest you half the recipe, as a full recipe usually provides more than enough for yourself and four others. And to those who I did not give to today, I still love you…but I only had so much to give….If you want some, come on over. If any is left we can have some. If there is no more left, we can make some together.

I have now delivered the nog to Ula. So I will include her pictures here too.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

PHOTOS: Ikea Photoshoot

So today i decided to go to Ikea to buy a bookshelf for my new encyclopedia set. I had been looking for awhile, and my dear friend Ula said that she would be out there naturally I decided to try and meet up with her.

I got a late start, and managed to arrive later than she did, but I was intercepted by a strange crew of people who had decided it would be fun to go and take pictures of themselves at the Ikea showroom.

Here are a few of the pictures that I fell into or liked

The Mastermind behind the idea, Mason

Curiously Strong, Curiously Curious

It is always important to practice safety


"Insert obvious caption here"

If you want to see more, take a look here