Well my old job at Concentric Architecture ended.
The owners decided to close the firm, so I had to go be a hunter for another job.
Fortunately for me the end of the job coincided perfectly with me being able to go out to the woods and teach for a week at Outdoor School.
Then I went to South Carolina to see my sister graduate.
Don't trip when boarding the airplane
Upon returning I started my new job at Myhre Group Architects in Portland.
I have been there for almost a month now.
Shortly after I joined MGA, an opportunity came up to go build sand sculptures. That sounded fun, so I looked into it. Turns out that I not only get to play in the sand, but the event also supports a good cause. Proceeds from this event benefit Kids On The Block.
Kids on the Block is an educational program that uses the power of puppetry to help children understand and accept differences in one another and to learn skills to stay healthy and safe.
Take a look at the website linked below to read more about Yoshida's 12th Annual Sand in the City Event.
And while your at it, feel free to donate some money to this great charity. Lets see if we can blow away my coworkers in a race to raise the most donations.
Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support Kids on the Block
Outside of that, life has been business as usual.
I made another mixed cd for a friend.
Here is the album art….
The front cover
The back cover
The theme of the album was to pick some good local music that has a more mellow tone for evening listening. I hope the album is appreciated.
That is about it for now.
I have to go write a letter to my sister who joined the air force for some reason
And a letter to my friend "mo"
…her birthday is in a couple of days.
Ps…seriously though, if you can't throw down some dough for kids on the block, at least come see the sand castles.